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1. programming The prototype for an object in an
procedural language. A class may also be considered to be a
set of objects which share a common structure and behaviour.
The structure of a class is determined by the classvariables which represent the state of an object of that
class and the behaviour is given by a set of methods
associated with the class.
Classes are related in a class hierarchy. One class may be
a specialisation (a "subclass") of another (one of its
"superclasses") or it may be composed of other classes or it
may use other classes in a client-server relationship. A
class may be an abstract class or a concrete class.
See also signature.
2. programming See type class.
3. networking One of three types of Internet addresses
distinguished by their most significant bits.
3. language A language developed by the Andrew Project.
It was one of the first attempts to add object-oriented
features to C.